Kadyn’s Hunting Quilt
This beautiful hunting quilt was made for my Physical Therapist Amy and her husband Mike who is one of my trainers at my gym. They were expecting their first child Kadyn. My dilemma was how to incorporate what they do together into one piece for a baby. Mike is an avid hunter and goes out practically every weekend.
A Hunting Quilt for Kadyn
I understand that his favorite weapon is the cross bow. Amy is a very outdoors person as well so I combined it with my love of the children’s books where you have to go looking or “hunting” for things in the picture.
I searched the internet for fabric called “Mossy Oak”, Mike’s favorite hunting clothing, to see what came up and I found a lot of hunting sites that sold camouflage gear, at least I knew what it looked like. There is this wonderful “Mossy Oak” fleece fabric that comes in pink for Kadyn’s quilt. I used this fleece for the batting and the backing all in one piece.
What do I do for the front?
You go hunting for the little girl pieces of fabric with all of the woods and forest fabric in it!
I found a strip piecing pattern that fit my thoughts and went to work. The woods and forest fabric came in a “Jelly Roll” I didn’t have to buy the fabric and cut all of those strips. You sew the strips together short end to short end until you have a very long strip. Take that strip and put the two short ends right side together and sew the length of it together. You do this a few times so you have yardage and cut it into squares and rectangles. You then sew your squares and rectangles together to make your top.
Taking the fleece that is 54” wide deciding on which side is your right side that is the side you have down on your table to pin baste or any method of basting you choose. I tape it down to my table and then put my pressed top right side up with at least 1” of backing all the way around the top of the hunting quilt.
I quilted the stippling pattern all through the piece since it felt like it needed no set pattern. When you go hunting you have to go where the animals go not on a given path. To finish this piece I folded the back to the front and zigzagged it down. It finished up beautifully. I had enough “Mossy Oak” fleece left over from the hunting quilt to make a jacket for Kadyn too. Mike keeps telling me that is his favorite piece of clothing Kadyn wears.